Past Features

Langley Shazor
Langley was raised in Bristol, VA; currently residing in Abingdon, VA, he is actively engaged in both communities. Serving as a board member of the Barter Theatre as well as other civic and legislative organizations, Langley is an advocate for performing arts, education, community involvement, and sustainable economic development. Before joining Bristol Virginia Public Schools, he worked as a process engineer, specializing in system automation, data mining, and platform development before moving on to operations and strategic planning. His hobbies are writing, film photography, and physical wellness training. He has a deep appreciation for culture, history, philosophy, science, and religions. An avid reader, he is passionate about learning all that he can and imparting that knowledge; breaking down stereotypes, creating social awareness, enlightenment, human rights, and helping those less fortunate are his life’s quests. Langley has a particularly strong burden for empowering today’s youth and encouraging their interests in the arts. A lover of all things antiquated, he is an avid typewriter collector, something that has only fueled his affinity for writing and encouraging others to write as well. Typewriters being his tool of choice for his craft, Langley has been able to bring a forgotten medium back to life and give it relevance in this, ever growing, digital world.
Janet Perkins Caldwell

who was Janet Perkins Caldwell ?
Janet P. Caldwell was a Mother, Mate, Grandmother and friend to countless souls. Janet was a Valentine’s Day Baby, born February 14th 1959. This explains the beauty and depths of her uniquely wonderful heart and its unlimited capacity to love. Janet was also a Social Activist who utilized her writing, keen insights and empathy for Humanity’s cause and Justice to make a lasting impact on many souls globally. She was particularly fond of her involvement and donations to 3rd world countries. She loved contributing to the digging of wells for consumable water in Africa.
As far as her writing and related accomplishments ... She is the author of 3 books and she has one on the way. She has participated in numerous anthologies (over 50) and is / has been a member of The Poetry Posse since its inception in January of 2014, a venue where a book a month has been published. She also served as Managing Editor of Inner Child Magazine since its inception on February 2013. She served on the executive board of all things Inner Child to include Inner Child Press where she was instrumental in the launching of many careers for new authors. She performed duties such as counseling, proof reading, editing and publicity. She along with William S. Peters, Sr. is the founder of the World Healing, World Peace Poetry movement which is a bi-annual published work aimed at elevating the global consciousness of humanity through poetry. In 2015 she was selected along with many other world class poets to attend and participate in The Kosovo International Poetry Festival as a representative of the United States and Inner Child Press. There she was blessed to meet so many other wonderful souls dressed as poets from all over the world.
R.I.P. Beloved
February 14th 1959 ~ September 20th 2016
Nizar Sartawi

Nizar Sartawi is a poet, translator and educator. He was born in Sarta, Palestine, in 1951. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of Jordan, Amman, and a Master’s degree in Human Resources Development from the University of Minnesota, the U.S. Sartawi is a member of the Jordanian Writers Association, General Union of Arab Writers, and Asian-African Writers Union. He has participated in poetry readings and festivals in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Kosovo, and Palestine.
Sartawi’s first poetry collection, Between Two Eras, was published in Beirut, Lebanon in 2011. His translations include: The Prayers of the Nightingale (2013), poems by Indian poet Sarojini Naidu; Fragments of the Moon (2013), poems by Italian poet Mario Rigli; The Souls Dances in its Cradle (2015), poems by Danish poet Niels Hav; all three translated into Arabic; Contemporary Jordanian Poets, Volume I (2013); The Eyes of the Wind (2014), poems by Tunisian poet Fadhila Masaai; The Birth of a Poet (2015), poems by Lebanese poet Mohammad Ikbal Harb. He is currently working on a translation project, Arab Contemporary Poets Series.
Ssartawi’s poems and translations have been anthologized and published in books, journals, and newspapers in Arab countries, the U.S., Australia, Indonesia, Italy, the Philippines, and India.
June ~ July 2016

In addition to writing poetry, Kimberly Burnham, PhD, known as "The Nerve Whisperer" is passionate about changing the face of brain health worldwide. Through her poetry, writing, and clinical practice she shares a message of hope, practical solutions, and self-care exercises for conditions from sleep disturbances, chronic pain, migraines, and memory loss to traumatic brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, and more.
Her message is supported by a PhD in Integrative Medicine (2006) with the dissertation topic, The Effect of Integrative Manual Therapy on Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Kimberly shares her own story of recovery from migraines and vision issues as well as the powerful examples of improved quality of life in the thousands of clients she has worked with over the past 20 years.
A skilled storyteller and social impact authority, Kimberly specializes in changing the healing story and finding physical solutions for people with a diagnosis of macular degeneration, diabetes, Huntington's ataxia, Lyme's disease, and more.
Learn how Kimberly can help you heal at . . .
April 2016

This vision of world healing and peace, if such a hope is going to come to fruition, it will take much struggle through effort in the human process of thinking. Firstly within reflective consciousness THE HUMAN-KIND will collectively have to change the way THE HUMAN RACE is perceived by all humans. Humanity as a whole must come to realize the benefit to all in creating a social environment that would decolorize the ideal of race to one race, THE HUMAN RACE regardless of skin color, sex, gender, nationality, ethnicity, culture, or belief. In so doing, humanity will be able to envision the wisdom of setting aside our differences and working together to heal and then preserve the human species transitionally into the future through a process of peaceful coexistence.
To even begin and then bring about such a global transformation in collective consciousness, it in my opinion must find its roots, its inspiration in the creative act. In where art is creatively used in a transitional manner exemplified in the poetic words of the artists found throughout the pages of this book. Art in its various forms creatively used through its powerful imagery to resurrect metaphorically from the darkness, the buried inhibitions and predispositions about the color of skin, sex, gender, nationality, ethnicity, culture, or belief that exacerbate societal ills. Socially embedded fear and bias stirred by genetic and environmental factors, how this all has a negative impact on the way fellow human beings are perceived by each other.
February ~ March 2016

L. Michelle Odom is a seasoned professional in nonprofit administration where she has designed and managed many programs in the areas of workforce / economic development and social services. She is especially skilled in the areas of nonprofit fund development and public relations, and has used those skills in her work as a management consultant to startup and small organizations and churches. Currently, she is working toward founding a nonprofit focused on promoting a culture of reading – Reading For Change: A Collective Journey. An experienced freelance writer, Odom uses her considerable talent and curiosity to explore the pressing political, social and economic issues of our time, from a humanistic perspective. Her family includes one son and daughter-in-law, and one grandson.
She currently hosts two online book groups – The Global Black Feminist Reading Circle – which explores topics about Black women and men; and the Revolutionary Love Leadership Series – which considers the ways in which human beings are loving and not loving each other, and what needs to happen to create a more loving world. Both groups stream live via Google+/YouTube.
January 2016

Jennifer Render is a Certified Life Coach specializing in Stress Management and the founder of Tejomaya Wellness. After struggling with a chronic illness compounded by extreme stress, her purpose and passion came to her as a result of seeking alternative therapies and stress management techniques. After devoting every spare second to learning how to be well, she certified in a variety of alternative therapies and her practice was born. It is now her whole-heart mission to help others be well in mind, body and spirit by offering personalized coaching sessions for her clients. She is a Contributing Editor for Inner Child Magazine and loves sharing her knowledge about health and well-being with readers there and on her blog. In her spare time, she loves reading, singing and nature photography
Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Rogers is a skilled lecturer and teacher of the Master Key System. He teaches an extensive class and has appeared on several shows to present this ancient system of manifestation formulated by Charles F. Haanel over 100 years ago. In 2010, Dr. Rogers founded a spiritual counseling practice called TRUTH Dynamics to help assist people in their quest for self realization.
Currently, he serves as the president of a Non-Profit organization called P.E.L.S.A which he and his wife formed in 2006 to assist people in overcoming addiction.
Dr. Rogers has been a student of Spirituality and Metaphysics for the past 20 years and in 2009, he received a Doctorate of Divinity in Spiritual Counseling as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy in Metaphysics from The University of Metaphysical Sciences. He currently resides in Long Beach, California where he continues to devote his time and energy writing, lecturing and mentoring others on their spiritual journey towards higher consciousness.
John McLaughlin
keeping the flame of hope alive . . .

John was born in Cold Lake, Alberta the eldest of three. His father was a Master Corporal in the Canadian Airforce and therefore John and his family moved around from Chatham, New Brunswick, to Germany and back to Cold Lake. No matter where he lived though he always maintained a connection with nature. As a child you would find John camping in a tent all summer long. By age 14 he was not only living in his tent for the summer but had moved it to the woods where he would hunt and fish for his own food. By age 16 he had successfully completed a two-week long solo wilderness survival exercise, in which he trekked on many rivers lakes and mountain trails throughout his life. John’s favorite past times have always had to do with nature, and he has developed a deep understanding and appreciation because of this.
Peter Egler aka Sineh

Peter Egler was born in Switzerland 1991 as eight child in a Family of eleven. ( nine children). It was a time where also in Switzerland people lived in scarcity and suffered from the short before ended WW II. Peter to describe isn't easy because he does never talk a lot about himself and prefer others to build a “picture” of what he does and how he act (interact) with those that come in contact with him wherever this may be. He didn't made a “degree” in an University to BE someone and only visited eight years School. The 9th year he avoided to take because he found already then, that most what we learn in the schools is not serving the good of all but indoctrinate us to be servants to the “almighty” World governing system. With other words, he was born to be a rebel against the oppressors in any shape they appear. If someone ask him today what he does as profession, he smiles and say: “I'm a humanitarian”
World Healing ~ World Peace
World Healing, World Peace
We live in a world that appears to be losing its grasp on its culture as Humane Beings. I say appears, for the struggles we now face truly is nothing new. Since the beginning i suppose, there are the few who sought to rule the many. They have been able to do so, and continue to do so with our quiet consent. We the “people” truly just vie for a simple life of Food, Shelter, Healthiness and Love. Though a little reward for our efforts now and then would not hurt. We pride ourselves on our Families, our Communities and our Nations.
Pamela Nine, Ph.D.

Pamela Nine is a natural-born psychic, intuitive and medium. She inherited her unique gifts from her Maternal Grandmother and several past generations thereof. Her gifts were discovered at the very young age of five. Since then, Pamela has dedicated more than thirty years to the profession of wellness, service and helping others.
Pamela is an internationally recognized professional intuitive counselor, educator, author and speaker. She is the owner of Nine Wellness International, located in Knoxville, Tennessee USA. Pamela provides service to people all over the world through her counseling, pub
Our Humanity

When we consider the current state of our humanity, we can not help but acknowledge the many challenges that face us as a Human Race. They come from within, and without as well. There are such things as Global Warming, Famine, Water Resources, Disease and other Natural Disasters. These are the things, perhaps we have contributed to, but have spiraled beyond our immediate control. Then there are the things we do have direct influence over that begs for the best of what we, humankind can be. Some of these challenges are War, Politics, Greed, Indifference and a plethora of other avarices and behaviours we evoke and / or act out upon each other. We cannot speak upon any of these things without mentioning the darkest of all human behaviours found in Bias; Religiously, Culturally and Geographically which includes Racism. -
Celebrating the Spirit of Fathers

Honoring & Celebrating Fathers
Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days by many other countries. Father's Day was inaugurated in the United States in the early 20th century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting.
Every Day is Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a modern celebration honoring one's own mother, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day and Siblings Day.
Celebrating International
Poetry Month

Nature of poetry
Poetry can be differentiated most of the time from prose, which is language meant to convey meaning in a more expansive and less condensed way, frequently using more complete logical or narrative structures than poetry does. This does not necessarily imply that poetry is illogical, but rather that poetry is often created from the need to escape the logical, as well as expressing feelings and other expressions in a tight, condensed manner. English Romantic poet John Keats termed this escape from logic Negative Capability. A further complication is that prose poetry combines the characteristics of poetry with the superficial appearance of prose, such as in Robert Frost's poem, "Home Burial." Other forms include narrative poetry and dramatic poetry, both of which are used to tell stories and so resemble novels and plays. However, both these forms of poetry use the specific features of verse composition to make these stories more memorable or to enhance them in some way.
Women's History Month

The public celebration of women's history in this country began in 1978 as "Women's History Week" in Sonoma County, California. The week including March 8, International Women's Day, was selected. In 1981, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) co-sponsored a joint Congressional resolution proclaiming a national Women's History Week. In 1987, Congress expanded the celebration to a month, and March was declared Women's History Month.
Before 1970, Women's history was rarely the subject of serious study. As historian Mary Beth Norton who was the Finalist, for the Pulitzer Prize in History, 1997, recalls, "only one or two scholars would have identified themselves as Women's historians, and no formal doctoral training in the subject was available anywhere in the country." Since then, however, the field has undergone a metamorphosis. Today almost every college offers Women's history courses and most major graduate programs offer doctoral degrees in the field.
Historian Mary Beth Norton, of Cornell University, specializes in early American and Women's history. Norton has written The British-Americans: The Loyalist Exiles in England, 1774-1789 (1972); Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750-1800 (1980; 1996); and Founding Mothers & Fathers: Gendered Power and the Forming of American Society (1996), which was one of three finalists for the 1997 Pulitzer Prize in History. She has coauthored a widely used introductory college American history text, A People and a Nation, and has edited a number of anthologies on early US and Women's history.
Edie Weinstein

Weinstein, MSW, LSW is a colorfully creative journalist, dynamic and empowering
transformational speaker, radio host of It’s All About Relationships on www.vividlife.me,
licensed social worker, interfaith minister, Reiki master, PR Goddess and BLISS
Coach. She is also the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The
Ordinary Into The Extraordinary. Edie is overjoyed to be a regular columnist
for Inner Child Magazine- Vitamin B for Bliss through which she offers mental
meanderings and from the heart insights. www.liveinjoy.org -

Bill is an avid Writer / Poet who has been committed to this path since 1966. He currently has to his credit over 30 Published Books as well as a myriad of Newspaper and Magazine Articles. Bill supports the venue of Creative Expression regardless of form and supports the progression of Humanity and Love of each other.
Bill currently serves as the CEO of Inner Child Enterprises, ltd., Managing Director of Inner Child Press, Executive Producer of Inner Child Radio and Executive Editor of Inner Child Magazine.
For more of Bill, visit his personal web Site at :
for Inner Child . . .
~ Keith Alan Hamilton ~

~Keith Alan Hamilton~ is an Author who writes a spiritually philosophical blend of poetry and prose that's often further pictorialized with his Smartphone photography. Keith is the online publisher/editor of three blogs which includes The Hamilton Gallery ~ Online.com Blog, the Keith Alan Hamilton.com Blog and the NatureIQ.com Blog. Keith is also a professional Information Investigator.
Kimberly Burnham, Ph.D.

A published author, Kimberly Burnham, PhD (Integrative Medicine) is an alternative medicine specialist focused on supporting people with Parkinson's disease, Huntington's ataxia, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, macular degeneration and other brain related issues. Her book, Parkinson's Alternatives is widely available. September, 2014, she presented on alternative medicine approaches to back and hip pain in Parkinson's disease at the Spokane Pain Conference. Kimberly is considered a world authority on Parkinson's disease treatments from the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She offers natural approaches to eliminate Parkinson's and nervous system symptoms. Her publications empower both people with brain disorders and those who love and care about them.
Kimberly is also a poet and contributes monthly to a book series by Inner Child Press entitled, The Year of The Poet from the Poetry Posse. In 2013 Kimberly bicycled over 3000 miles from Seattle to Washington, DC on the Hazon Cross USA bicycle ride in support of sustainable agriculture and food justice. She is currently working on a book of poetry about the adventure, The Journey Home, which will be published with the Creating Calm Network Publishing Group. An active social media expert, she is happy to connect on LinkedIn and elsewhere. She lives in Spokane, Washington.
With her partner, Elizabeth W. Goldstein and Ann White, Kimberly is editing an anthology published Fall, 2014: Music, Carrier of Intention in 49 Jewish Prayers. Her essay focuses on her connection to the land and the natural environment. It looks at the song Adamah v'Shamayim (earth and sky).
Peters C. Rogers, Ph.D.

Personal Thoughts
Life has been very rewarding for me. I have always embraced the teachings of life in whatever form they are presented. In some cases life has bestowed great prizes upon me, while in others I’ve had to pay great spiritual prices. I often have difficulty determining which of these have better served me. I agree wholeheartedly with being the “sum total of all my life experiences” because each experience has shaped me into a more useful and divine instrument to others. I’ve discovered that my purpose is to serve humanity. All my seemingly difficult lessons have fashioned me into a unique vessel in which to carry others to the shores of their truth. But as the saying goes, I can only lead you to the well, I cannot make you drink. Only thirst can do that. I know my thirst for truth cannot be satiated by another’s indulgence. Only I can quench my thirst for knowledge and I quench that thirst by seeking my truth. And I have continued to do just that for the past twenty plus years. Today, as a Life Coach, I help others find their own truth by helping them overcome debilitating fear, limiting thought patterns, and faulty programming. Through my experience, and continued enlightenment, I’m better able to inspire and motivate others to discover their own passion and to pursue their inner greatness through the practice of spiritual disciplines. I expound on these disciplines in my latest book 100 Disciplines to Higher Consciousness: A Conclusive Synopsis on Spiritual Principles which is currently in post-production.
hülya n. yılmaz, Ph.D

While in middle school, hülya n. yılmaz had already caught the passion for creative writing – if not a few years before. From her early efforts to be a writer, only a modest number of entries came about: a few poems and a short story appeared in Resimli Roman (in English, An Illustrious Novel), a popular magazine of a considerable lifespan. The hope box of her mother, however, had much more to say when her written work was considered, including her extensive (unpublished) reviews and critiques of classical music performances by the Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası, the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, key theatrical plays in the area and foreign films. Her first love and she had inspired one another for this hobby as their routine pass-time activity and were exchanging their notebooks with analytical criticism in mind. Unfortunately, at a later stage in her life, she would destroy all these writings in a rash decision when their parents’ home was about to welcome her father’s new wife – whom she began to adore as soon as she met her and continues to this day to love and respect her strongly.
Janet P. Caldwell

Janet wrote her first poems and short stories in an old diary where she noted her daily thoughts. She wrote whether suffering, joyful or hoping for peace in the world. She started this process at the tender age of Eight. This was long before journaling was in vogue.
Along with her thoughts, poetry and stories, she drew what she refers to as Hippie flowers. Janet still to this day embraces the Sixties and Seventies flower power symbol, of peace and love, which are a very important part of her consciousness.
Janet wrote her first book, in those unassuming diaries, never to be seen by the light of day due to an unfortunate house fire. This did not deter her drive. She then opted for a new batch of composition journals and filled everyone. In the early nineteen-eighties, Janet held a byline in a small newspaper in Denton, Texas while working full time, being a Mother and attending Night School.
Fahredin Shehu

Born in Rahovec, South East of Kosova, in 1972. graduated at Prishtina University, Oriental Studies.
Actively works on Calligraphy discovering new mediums and techniques for this specific for of plastic art.
Certified expert in Andragogy/ Capacity Building, Training delivery, Coaching and Mentoring, Facilitating etc.
In last ten years he operated as Independent Scientific Researcher in the field of World Spiritual Heritage and Sacral Esthetics.

Siddartha Beth Pierce is a Mother, poet, artist, teacher and humanitarian. She published her first book of poetry and art, In the Beginning and the End, on August 31, 2012 with Writing Knights Press. Her second book, I Do, was published by inner child press in November 2013. Her third book, Ripple, based on nature and growing up in the state of Virginia is expected to be released in March 2014. Currently, she is working on a book of love poems entitled Fit Me Like a Glove.
Ms. Pierce has shown her artwork internationally. Likewise, her poetry has been published internationally in India, England, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and the United States. She is included in an anthology honoring the late Nelson Mandela out of Nigeria which will be published in April 2014. Additionally, she has a poem forthcoming in the anthology World Healing, World Peace.
She has won numerous awards for her art and poetry.
Ms. Pierce received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Studio Art from George Mason University. She continued her studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, receiving her Masters Degree in Art Education with concentrations in Sculpture, Printmaking and Computer Graphics. Currently, Ms. Pierce is All but Dissertation (ABD) in a PhD. in Philosophy of Art History with majors in African and Contemporary Art from Virginia Commonwealth University located in Richmond, Virginia.
Ms. Pierce is the Director of Poetry and Secretary at The Urban Individualists Art Gallery located in the Art Works Building in Richmond, Virginia located along the historic James River.

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Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela

Gil Scott-Heron - You Could Be My Brother.mp3
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